We listened to members of Communities, incorporating many of your suggestions. While there are countless enhancements and many exciting New Features

If you created a community before this new version release, please be assured that all information about your Community - Members, Community messages, Activities, who's signed up for specific tasks - is still preserved in your Community.
You’ll find it easier to manage your Members with our new feature allowing Members to be organized into different Groups. You’ll also discover improved privacy in your Community with our enhanced Permissions functionality – now Activities, in addition to Community Sections, can be set up with different Permissions for viewing and signing up based on Members’ Roles and/or Groups memberships. Stay organized in your Community by sharing the right stuff with the right people.
So go ahead and explore your Community.
For more help, look for help links with a yellow dot

While we continue to add to our Help Section please do not hesitate to be in touch if you need any assistance. You can always reach us at support@lotsahelpinghands.com. We’re here to help!